
yarn ・ they / them ・ 21+ ・PST ・ Discord Available On Request

ROLEPLAYING STYLE.    My style is flexible and adaptable to the situation and my fellow players, but I trend toward shortform to short para in game and multipara over Discord as a general rule.STAKES & SCOPE. I'm happy to interact with many characters, but I'm most drawn to low-to-the-ground concepts and stories.COMMUNICATION.    If any aspect of a scene I am doing with you makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. If you'd like to throw in something dramatic into our storyline, please also let me know! Communication is key to forming a good story.IC =/= OOC.    Kiett is not me and I am not Kiett. I will seek to minimize "bleed" between myself and my roleplay as much as one is able to, and I ask that my writing partners do the same.Mature Themes.    I am happy to work with characters with mature themes or content. Kiett's own backstory includes potentially triggering topics such as violence, abuse, trauma, and sexual coercion. I will not bring up any details pertaining to such without consent from all parties. I do not ERP with strangers.

PLEASE YES.    I love slice-of-life, slowburn storylines, emotional nuance, heavy backstories, and happy endings. I adore getting very in-depth and detailed in my crafting, magic, and study-based plotlines. I'm a certified sucker for for tender bromance, intense plantonic connections, mentor-mentee bonds, and found family. In general though, I love collaborative storytelling in all its forms-- I'm excited for all the experiences Kiett might come across in the future, and I'm honored to play a part in your story as well. Let's work together and build a grand tale.PLEASE ASK.    Please ask about longterm injury and disfigurement, longterm emotional consequences and harm, sincere and serious conflict between characters, and other heavy subjects. I love drama and hurt/comfort and I am very willing to play in these spaces, but I prefer a degree of OOC communication and outlining of stakes and scope first before I get deep into it.PLEASE NO.    I'm ultimately here for a good time and a happy ending. I will not play permanent death plots, rape plots, "bad ends", or similar content. I'm also quite squeamish so I politely request intense gore, vomit, and abject filth to be not described in graphic detail.

template by poohsources


.    THE HEAD    .

full name.    Kiett Raeturlune
aliases.    His sisters call him Kietto.
date of birth. 4th Day of 1st Umbral Moon (maybe)
age.    40's (we think); by Vieran standards he's young adult
birthplace.    Fyth, Golmore
current home.    Goblet, Ul'dah, Thanalan
orientation.    homoflexible, demiromantic
relationship status. happily married
occupation.    goldsmith & student

.    THE HEART    .

likes. his work | community | long baths | people | good cooking
dislikes. cold weather | dealing with money | being touched
hobbies. baking | learning & discovering | staying active | socializing
fears & phobias. fireworks & loud sounds | isolation | socializing
wishes & dreams. to become a master goldsmith | to help as many people as he can | to find his place in the world
faith. quietly devoted to Menphina
mbit.    INFJ (the advocate)
moral alignment. neutral good


Polite, soft-spoken, gentle, agreeable, hardworking, precise, innovative, detail-oriented, excitable, and kind, Kiett is mostly considered a sweetheart and a dork by those who know him.He's painfully shy and struggles to manage in interpersonal situations, but he's social creature at heart, driven by a need to connect with others. He likes to meet people where and as they are, matching their energy to better put himself in their shoes. Around strangers he's usually too focused on making a good impression to properly relax, but get him out of his shell a bit and he'll happily chatter your ear off about his creative and academic pursuits, or listen with open rapture to yours. He's got a caregiving streak a mile long and he's quick to give to those in need. He's very rarely angry-- but when he's threatened or startled, it can be a jarring to see how quickly his old Warder reflexes still kick in.


  • He flicks his ears to stim when he's happy

  • He can count the number of people he's willing to touch on his hands-- but among those rare few, he's a veritable cuddle bug

  • He's skilled in theoretical arcanima, but he can't actually manage to cast anything more complicated than a carbuncle; even aethertravel is hard

  • He always carries a notebook to record any interesting things he learns; his pen is enchanted to write of its own accord

  • He'll blush and fluster to the point of stuttering under anything even remotely compliment-shaped

  • After a small misadventure in the Ruby Sea with his father, he's netted the power to breathe underwater

  • His Eorzean is clumsy and very accented; he still mispronounces or misuses words, and he's a slow reader despite all the textbooks he has his nose buried in

  • His Dalmascan is even worse than his Eorzean but boy does he Try

  • He's a wonderful baker, but he's prone to experimenting in the kitchen to the point of inventing cursed foodstuffs


.    I    .
Kiett may look Veena, but really he just bears a strong resemblance to his sire who passed through Golmore one night traveling from the Range. He was raised by his Ravan mother and aunt in Fyth as siblings to his aunt's children Mjal and Lahnn. A brilliant child with a gift for the arcane, Kiett seemed clearly marked for village life as a scholar-- so it came as a shock to his village and a horror to him when he presented as male at puberty. He had begged not to be taken with the other jacks, that his place was in Fyth, but the Will of the Wood was written clear on his body. Kiett was taken to train as a Warder at the age of twelve.
Kiett doesn't speak much about what happened in those decades lost to the Green, but the scars on his body suggest intense violence and struggle, and his husband can confirm he still wakes up screaming some nights.Lahnn and Mjal had been the only ones to fight for him to stay in Fyth, and their continued presence was the only thing that kept Kiett going most days, but they were chafing under their own pressures in the village. Mjal fled the Wood first. After a terrible invasion from Imperial forces, Lahnn followed, bound for Eorzea. And Kiett, with no one he loved left to keep him in a life he hated, finally let himself imagine that there may be a world outside the Wood.

.    II    .
Running away from Golmore to Eorzea was not easy. He didn't speak the language or know the culture; he spent most of his time after arrival hunting for his sisters lost on the fringes of society, sleeping wherever was dry enough. Finally he was able to track Lahnn down to the Black Shroud and bail her out of a bar fight she picked for herself in Buscarron's Druthers. Lahnn took in her long-lost brother without question and contacted her sister to help, and for the first time since he'd been taken as a Warder, Kiett had somewhere safe to rest his head every night.
Under Lahnn and Mjal's careful support, Kiett finally began to heal and adapt. He fell in love with goldsmithing after a trip to Ul'dah and threw himself headfirst into the art. After blazing his way through his introductory lessons, he found that the work of a Guild apprentice creatively stifling, so he finally managed to take his first independent steps outside his sisters' supervision and applied for an apprenticeship at the Warden's Grace jewelry shop in the Mists. Once he took this first step out on his own, he finally began to thrive in his new life..    III    .
His first home outside his sisters was as the residential librarian for an Ishgardian-Hingan mercenary guild.

It was, frankly, mostly a pity position as he still couldn't read well, but the staff were fond of him. It was during Kiett's time with the company that he met a man named Jeremiah in a local coffee shop.Jeremiah had never been a Warder, but he was no stranger to hardship, and early in their budding relationship he and Kiett talked at length of their dreams of building a place for people like them to rest. Together they built Chrysalis Harbor Safehouse, a nonprofit institution dedicated to feeding, sheltering, and healing those in need. By the end of its first year, the organization had grown too large for the staff of amateurs to manage themselves, so they passed along daily operations to a more qualified staff and stepped back to focus on new projects-- namely their marriage, and the future they'd build together..    IV    .
Their honeymoon was barely over when drastic changes tipped the equilibrium of Kiett's newfound happiness. A misadventure in Doma has left him changed and scarred in ways he's still coming to terms with. He returned from that trip still reeling to find he'd been offered a full ride scholarship to the Studium to further develop his art. His story now finds him trying to adapt to both his newfound opportunity and noteriety as an artist, and his newfound limits that the damage he sustained in Doma impose on him.


requirements: none
Kiett is currently a Journeyman Goldsmith-- one quite respected within the guild as an up-and-coming artist, but still with things to learn. He's always searching for further training in his field, especially in places other than Eorzea. These are his journeyman years after all! If you're an expert in any field even remotely related to goldsmithing (and for Kiett, most fields can trace back to goldsmithing eventually) he would love to learn from you!
.    NEW STUDENT    .
requirements: sharlayan
Kiett has recently been accepted to the Studium to continue his education-- on full scholarship no less, after recommendations from certian professors in the soft metals department. His coursework is a healthy mix of goldsmithing technique proper, medical courses for his prosthetic and assistive device work, and aetherology courses to bolster his enchanting. This is his very first experience in a formal classroom setting. He's... not managing. He could use a hand.

requirements: none
In the market for fine jewelry or tools? Looking for a new magical focus, or even something more strange and experimental? Whatever the commission, Kiett is happy to help! You can find him at the Warden's Grace for short and quick service, or commission him privately for a more drawn-out collaboration. Please visit his Portfolio below for examples of work Kiett has done IC.
requirements: aethersense of any sort
Kiett has an expertise in arcanima that suggests he could be a powerful mage, but in practice, he can't do anything more complicated than summon a carbuncle. Anyone who examines his aether in any detail will easily see why; the reserves and flowpaths of aether he'd normally use to cast look like they've been sliced apart and huge chunks simply taken out. Its clear this doesn't effect him beyond limiting his spellcasting, but its a wonder he survived whatever did this to him.

.    TALK NERDY TO ME    .
requirements: none
Kiett is incredibly curious, to the point of nosy; he wants to know everything about everything. If you let him, he'll joyfully probe you for all the details about about any interesting work or research you do. Feel free to talk to him for hours about your unusual spellcasting methods, your creative works, your research passions, or whatever else you choose to dedicate your time to-- you'd be hard-pressed to find a more engaged audience!
requirements: ex-warders, especially ravan
It would be an understatement to say Kiett has a very complicated relationship with his former life in the Wood. He was miserable as a Warder and and he's much happier in Eorzea as an artist and service worker... but the Wood was all he knew for most of his life, and there's people and places and rites he'll never get back. He's very interested in connecting with other ex-Warders, and maybe starting a hunting group to regain some of the sense of brotherhood he's lost.


As a guild certified Journeyman Goldsmith preparing his Masterwork portfolio, Kiett is well equipped to deal with all manner of requests. He can create fine jewelry in an assortment of styles, fashionable small tools such as pens or compasses, and magical instruments such as starglobes and nouliths. As with all artists, however, he has his own personal interests and unique specialty styles. Some of these are available at the Warden's Grace during shop hours, while some are more unique to personal commissions. Collected here are some of his personal favorite themes and collections he's done over the years.Images used in this portfolio were copied from Pinterest and are intended only as reprisentations to fuel inspiration and facilitate roleplay.
Whatever piece you commission will be written uniquely to you. I do not give in-game items as a part of this roleplay.